Our Commitment to Music Education

In 1999, ACO launched Music Factory, bringing composers into elementary and high school classrooms to involve New York City public high school students in the process of creating music and to improve their understanding how composers work and write for orchestra.

Since its inception, Music Factory has brought more than fifty composers to work on an extended basis with each school in the program. ACO documents Music Factory curricula in order to share this material with other music organizations, with the goal of integrating American composers into music education programs nationwide. ACO has also presented educational and family concerts in collaboration with Carnegie Hall and the Weill Institute.

Discover our educational programs:
Student composers – check out our Compose Yourself! program
– Registration is now open for our Summer ’20 Compose Yourself! classes. Learn more.
– Registration is now open for our Summer ’20 Sonic Spark Lab classes. Learn more.

Educators, music teachers, and administrators:
To learn what ACO’s can do for your students through both our in-school and OST programs, including the roll-out of our new Music Factory 2.0 program coming in Fall 2019, please send an email directly to our Education Director, Kevin James.

As we continue to promote the music of American Composers, we increasingly recognize that a sustainable musical culture is a direct outgrowth of a sustainable arts education system. Join us in nurturing the roots of American culture in the 21st century and beyond.