From the Education Director

Let’s Compose a Better Tomorrow

Simply put, research has shown that high-impact, performance-based arts education with a high degree of accountability and follow through is the single most effective means of assuring social and academic achievement among most school-aged children and is especially effective among children who are underserved or at-risk.

As Director of Education with the American Composers Orchestra, it is a joy to be able combine several of my deepest passions – my love for composing and new music, my conviction in the foundational place for arts in education, and of course, my love and respect for children.

In this position I’ll be working to make the ACO your first stop for anything that relates composers to education, children, or community outreach. That means I’ll be working hard not only to provide opportunities for composers, but also to create deep, ongoing partnerships with schools, arts organizations, and community groups.

I’ll be working extend the ACO’s role as a resource for composers and musicians and to expand perceptions about the positive role that they can and should play in the vast collection of New York City communities. So please look through the programming options listed here. Contact me if something piques your interest, or if you’re curious about how we can meet a specific need, or if you’d just like to learn more about our work.

At the same time, rest assured, I’ll be remaining active in all of my continuing music and consulting activities. So whether we have the chance to collaborate on an ACO education project or not, I hope that you’ll have a chance to hear one of the works I’ve composed, or that I’ll see you on a gig with trombone in hand, or that I’ll be able lend some expertise in advancing the growth of your organization.

Kevin James
Music Factory Director