Mar. 2-3, 2019 EarShot Education: Detroit Symphony Orchestra

Professional Development in Education and Community Development

College and graduate music students with an interest in education and community development are invited to attend two days of trainings and workshops led by extraordinary composer and performer Jessie Montgomery, and ACO Education Director Kevin James.

These workshops are offered as part of the Earshot Readings, co-presented by American Composers Orchestra and Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and are FREE to attend.

EarShot Education is being hosted by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra

MARCH 2-3, 2019
at the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Music Center
3711 Woodward Avenue in Detroit

Workshop Sessions will explore:

  • the nuts-and-bolts of student engagement, including best practices for composers and musicians in the classroom and beyond
  • positive approaches for bringing composers and their music into K-12 classrooms
  • moving from conversations about diversity to modeling a practice of inclusion

WHO should ATTEND?
College and graduate level composers and musicians

WHAT will you LEARN?
Essential skills necessary for high impact educational engagement

In the era of the portfolio career, every musician should expect to be called on as an educator and cultural ambassador.  We’d like give you a head start toward achieving the same sort of excellence in those arenas that you’re seeking as composers and performers.

What does it COST?


Are you planning to attend with a group from your school? Or in need of housing while in Detroit? Make sure you check those boxes on your registration!


12:00-3:00 pm | Training Workshop I
Led by Kevin James, ACO Education Director
Composers, New Music and Kids, OH MY!

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In this workshop, Kevin James will guide us through the skills needed and recognized best practices for bringing music into the classroom – in this case, via composers and newly composed works. This will be an essential nuts-and-bolts session focused on active learning, understanding and establishing points of entry, how to assure that you’re designing age-appropriate activities, how to develop an arsenal of approaches, and especially, the effective use of modeling.

3:30-4:30 | Rehearsals with DSO student ensembles  
EarShot Composers and DSO Teaching Artists.

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In these rehearsals EarShot composers will introduce their music to student chamber ensembles in preparation for upcoming in-school performances. Feedback will be provided by DSO Teaching Artists, Kevin James and Jessie Montgomery in an effort to tie our approaches to the best practices discussed in the earlier session. There will be a focus on engagement, clarity, and context.

12:00-1:30 pm | Panel Discussion
Led by Aiden K. Feltkamp, ACO Director of Emerging Composers & Diversity
Connecting Communities – Music as an Agent of Change

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This is a rare opportunity to bring the next generation of music professionals, representing an entire region, into one room to grapple with a collective vision for the impact music ought to have in our communities. This panel will explore ways that students, emerging from university programs into the music profession, can combine efforts, attitudes and approaches to maximize impact.

2:00-3:00 pm | Keynote Presentation
Led by Jessie Montgomery, acclaimed composers & violinist

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Our Keynote Presentation will be equal parts demonstration and conversation. Jessie Montgomery will model a session with one of the DSO student ensembles and discuss how we, as composers and musicians, can use improvisation, and other creative approaches to bridge cultural and socio-economic divides.

4:00-6:00 pm | Schools Presentation: Run-throughs and Feedback

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Small groups of EarShot Composers, DSO Teaching Artists and student ensembles will present the programs they’ve prepared for Detroit public school students. Feedback will be provided by Kevin James and Jessie Montgomery.

Those participating in EarShot Education are welcome to attend all open sessions throughout the EarShot residency week. You will find the complete schedule of events listed on the registration page.